CAA USA‘s famous conversion kit, MCK/Micro Conversion Kit, has taken the country by storm with models for the Glocks, Sig Sauer, Smith & Wesson, as well as the upcoming Springfield, H&K and CZ. This made for end-user conversion kit allows you to increase your accuracy and is an overall fun range tool. Our stabilizer brace is patented by SB Tactical and is a non-NFA item, meaning no tax stamp and no wait. It ships directly to your home.
CAA USA has also ventured into the world of optics, through its sister company Hartman Optics, developing the MH-1, a 21st century optical sight with advantages and features found nowhere else.Located: 1704 Park Central Blvd N, Pompano Beach, FL 33064
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Located: 1704 Park Central Blvd N, Pompano Beach, FL 33064